Cabin trip to Familiehytta for OSI Friluft

Cabin trip to Familiehytta for OSI Friluft's hike guides

Arrangør: OSI Friluft
Påmeldingsfrist: 20.04.2024 14:00



Påmelding kr 100,00 inkl. avgifter

Welcome all the hike guides to our second exclusive cabin trip together at Familiehytta!

We are gonna meet at Majorstuen at 10:00am on the 20th of April and take t-bane to Frognerseteren. From there we hike around 2 hours to the cabin. Later the day we can go hike more, ice bathing or go grab waffles from the cafe, as we like. In the evening we will have dinner together and enjoy this cozy cabin :) Next day the check out is at 12:00pm

Tickets: 100kr/ person (includes the cabin + dinner)

Bring with you:

- Sheets/ a sleeping bag 

-Toiletries and medicin 

- Food: 1x breakfest, 2x lunch + snacks

-warm clothes and wool socks to keep you warm :)

+ optional: a headlamp and slippers



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