Expedition trip around DNT Smedmyrkoia - Open for all

Expedition trip around DNT Smedmyrkoia - Open for all

Arrangør: OSI Friluft
Påmeldingsfrist: 12.04.2024 18:00


Smedmyrkoia is a cozy cabin in North-Western part of Nordmarka and is one of closest to city. 

On Friday we will meet at Røa Metro station at 14:00. We will take the first buss to Sørkedalen skole. Thereafter we will hike for ca 6,5kms to Smedmyrkoia. In the evening we will have a dinner and spend time around the fire. We may as well bring our lavvo and spend the whole evening in it too.

On Saturday we will either hike up to Heggelia (ca. 11 kms) for a lunch or to Kikkutstua if the weather allows us. 

On Sunday we will have our breakfasts, clean the cabin and leave whenever we want to. 


- Everyone brings their own food and snacks. OSI Friluft doesn't trait any of the food this time. 

- The cabin only have a gas stove and no electricty.

- A detailed list of equipment list will be sent before hand.



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