
Arrangør: OSI Friluft
Påmeldingsfrist: 01.02.2024 18:00



This Thursday OSI Friluft will hold their first monthly 'Fjellmøte', a common space for socializing under a shared interest in the outdoors and nature.

Time: Thursday Feb 1st 19:00

Place: Bokcafeen, Chateau Neuf


We will kick of the evening with a (very) short introduction to OSI Friluft followed by a talk on behaviour and safety in the outdoors, useful things to know about planning your own trip, as well as suggestions for tours around Oslo.

The evening is mostly meant to give you a space to socialize with fellow outdoor enthusiasts, discuss potential trips, and ask questions. For the future, we will do our best to invite guest speakers to make it even more interesting :)

There will be snacks and a movie (if there is interest).

Please let us know whether you have any topics you would like to see on the agenda. RSVP via fb is not necessary but appreciated to estimate interest and snacks :)



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